Sunday 23 February 2014

image ; poets sleep 1989 Chang Houg Ahn

i slept with the light on
my words scared me in the dark
script returned to haunt
and mock
in the cold light of morning
i am nothing
but letters
jumbled on a vellum page.

KD 23/2/14

The other poets work is here

Sunday 16 February 2014


Universal Studios Lot, Instagram by sessepien 

the sofa squeezed through the door
slightly scraping the cedar wood frame
the patchwork throw
faded rugs followed
bulging with memories
which taking out
and turning over 
passed away a good few hours
of not thinking about 
'my situation'
windows flung open
the sound of life on the street drifted up
the shout and squeal
laughter and bark
an afternoons heat on the street
i arranged
and re-arranged things until their presence pleased me
later i looked through the evening sweat
and saw the stars above me
a promise hugged me close.

2014 KD

Please do go and read the other poets work here.

Sunday 2 February 2014

ruby fruit

Against the ebony
toes painted in ruby fruit
revlons nineties vintage
from  the back of the cabinet
along with a clutter of dried mascara and dead powder puffs.

See the others here at The Mag.