Thursday 5 July 2012


A few weeks ago the barley field we walk along each morning was green....growing taller and the hairs from the ears waving silently in the breeze...

the other morning, as we moved  to the side of the road to let a car zoom by, a squirrel jumped out of the field right in front of the lodgers nose!!....and only missing the cars tyres by a nano second as it hurled itself into the hedge and up a tree....the black dog was stunned into a statue knowing he had missed catching an arch enemy by a whisker.. the barley is nearly golden..i love the patterns it makes close can't see her in the photo but about twenty feet into this field watching us watching her was a beautiful young deer....ears alert just above the crop..she stayed stock still until we had passed by....

 every day we walk...everyday we see something wonderful......

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