Monday 29 October 2012

dancing to the edge

the writing was on the wall as
we danced around the edges
of nonchalance and disdain
I rubbed you the wrong way
placed you on the back foot
you prodded at my insecurities
picking over the carcass of a pervious life
fury darkens your eyes to ebony
at times I lift you eight foot tall
or cower you to a tiny speck
we both knew sometime
we would give up the matador stance
of bravado and flashing cloaks
stripped down
you and me

KD 29/10/12

The other writers have their work over at The Mag..take a look...join in...go on!!

Sunday 21 October 2012

Thirteen Bells

Thirteen bells ring out 
peels through the foggy  October skies
where the truths and promises swirl 
times of wonder 
 dread of dread.

I walk on rocky shores 
 horizons obliterated
uncurled serpents snapping at my feet
while tears salty from spray and melancholy
feel grainy on my skin
locked in a small cave of stone
to go back 
or onward roam?
hampered by paupers tales 
crumpled tight in pale blue papers
and pushed deep into musty pockets
with old thread and faded ribbons.

I pick up flat stones 
smoothed with the tides of the moon 
skim them into the mist
as a prayer
they settle
with barely a splash.

KD 20/10/12

Don't ask me what this is about..i have no idea...its been a tough week so perhaps i'd just like to go and hide!!
Go and see the other at The Mag they are amazing..xx

Sunday 14 October 2012

Hopes garden

image...midnight snack 1984 Curtis Wilson Cost

the very essence of me
is distilled and edited
pared down to the thinnest rice paper sheet
so transparent as to be barely there
footsteps dancing lightly 
on my patch of earth
small indentations left 
soil through toes
seeds scattered from fingertips
drove deep and mystic
we wait
for the bounty. 

KD 14/10/12

This weeks effort for the Mag over at Tess's place.....tell me what does the picture mean to you??

Sunday 7 October 2012

Weeping Forsythia

Sick woman 1665 Jan Steen

In closed and curtained rooms
the pendulum swings down
with the passing time.
Wooden floors creak as you tiptoe by
hoping not to waken me, shivering
I pull close my paisley shawl, eyes closing.

Thick air clouded with scents of weeping forsythia and burdock
my china cup cloudy with remnants of potions to cure me,
scattered dandelion and angelica seed,
dust ground down.

As night draws in, the candlelight flickers
shadows of the watchers in corners
and in a room close by a baby mews
for the wet nurse.

KD 7/10/12.

I give many thanks that last week my daughter gave birth to a healthy, beautiful little girl,and they are both well. With gratitude.xx

Do go and see what the other writers and poets made of this image at Tess's The Mag.